Kimberwood Farm

Shetland Sheep, Emily, Tru & Rabb our Border Collies,
        and all my various knitting projects.

Bramble Bess

Well, last night at my bed time check on the ewes I discovered Bess in labor. Needless to say I didn't get much sleep last night! At about 4:30 this morning Bess gave us this awesome black ram lamb sired by our F1 Jamie son, North Wind James.

Kimberwood Axel


Bramble Molly

I found Molly in labor last night at feeding time. She gave us this beautiful black ewe lamb with a nice patch of white on her head as well as a very fine line of white around her two back feet. She is sired by Lil'Country Rugger

Kimberwood Jasmine


Lugthart Fairy Slipper

Fairy Slipper lambed overnight on April 27th. Her twin ewe lambs were found separated in the morning. Mom is definately showing preference for one over the other. This is Xena our little warrior. She is nursing fine as long as we are holding mom. We are hopeful Mom will change her mind and take responsibility for this beautiful little girl. These girls are sired by Lil'Country Rugger.

Kimberwood Xena

Kimberwood Princess

Obviously this little girl got her name because mom favors her most!


Bramble Meg

Meg is in labor! She is bred to our F1 Jamie son, North Wind James. This will be the first lambs from James. She has been digging away, laying down and then 10 seconds later she gets up again. She has been baaing away looking for her new lamb every time she gets up. So far she has not been pushing.....time to go check her again!

Meg did lamb. She had twin black ram lambs, unfortunately one was stillborn. Pics of her surviving lamb once he dries off.

Kimberwood Black Jack


HSTs at Kimberwood!

Twin ram lambs out of BluffCountry Twister
and sired by Windswept Banning

Woo Hoo!


New Arrivals!

Kimberwood Dolly

Black ewe lamb out of Sheltrgpines Duhbeasa and sired by Sheltrgpines Arturo.

Kimberwood Chance

Musket ram lamb out of Kimberwood Thistle and sired by Lil'Country Rugger. This little guy may be polled!

Isn't he just darling? And, check out how crimpy his fleece is!


Wide Load!

Is this a wide load or what! If Sharlette were human I don't think she would appreciate this shot! I know there is a lot of wool here but really, how many babies do you think this ewe is carrying?

We've had a dry spell here for the last 5 days with no new lambs arriving. Our next group of ewes are due to start arriving tomorrow and the last three groups are not yet done. In fact, out of 16 ewes in the first 3 groups only 5 have lambed so far. I think they are all waiting to lamb at the same time and keep me up all night!

Morcades Lambed!

Meet Kimberwood Suzette!

This little girl is out of Sheltrgpines Morcades and sired by Sheltrgpines Arturo both of which are emsket. Looks like she is mioget! Check out that rear view! She just might be a keeper!

Boy Stephen, you do fine work!


More Lambs!

Last night was a busy night. Three more ewes lambed:

Kimberwood Bronwyn
This is a black ewe lamb out of BluffCountry Bella Bambina and sired by Windswept Banning. What more can we say about her? Since her dad is a mioget HST and her mom is a full sister to an HST we were wishing for a little more splash than what we got. She is a very nicely built ewe though who carries spots and modified genetics!

Kimberwood Frank
This is a musket ram lamb out of Thistle Keep Red Deer and sired by Lil'Country Rugger. Notice the nice size horn spots? Not what we were hoping for out of a polled ram. But is to be expected.

And last but not least:
Kimberwood Dazzle

A mioget flecket (possibly yuglet) ram lamb out of Windswept Bliss and sired by Sheltrgpines Arturo. This guy was a total surprise last night. While I was inside with the first two ewes waiting on them to lamb, Bliss had him outside in the dark. She really was not looking like she was going to lamb last night or she would have been in with the us.

Yeah!! We have spots!


We have lambs here at Kimberwood!

Kimberwood Donnan

Kimberwood Dugald

Our first lambs arrived last night! Kimberwood Katy produced two beautiful ram lambs sired by Windswept Banning. One is moorit and the other is black with a little bit of frosting on his head. Both of these boys carry spotting genetics as well as modified genetics. It was a little too dark and they were a little too wet yet to tell if either of them are modified.

Our first 3 groups of ewes to lamb will be sired by Windswept Banning and Sheltrngpines Arturo who are both spotted and modifed rams. The 3rd group is sired by Lil'Country Rugger and he is a moorit half polled (possibly full polled) ram. These were all due to begin on April 13th (Katy was a little early). The next 4 groups begin one on April 22nd and the rest on May 2nd, are all sired by F1 UK rams. I'll tell you more about them when their lambs are closer to arriving.

One down and about 30 more ewes yet to lamb!


Kinloch Rabb

Meet Rabb! Rabb is our soon to be new Border Collie from England. He is now 4 weeks old and growing fast. I was looking for a Scottish name for him and Rabbie happened to be a character in the books I've been reading lately. Rabb's sire's name is Bob and Rabb is a nickname for Robert. Rabb's brother, River will also be coming to live here in Wyoming.

Emily has been put to work here (finally!). With 32 very pregnant ewes to feed each day it gets a little precarious when filling the feeders. Our ewes LOVE their grain and don't care if I get caught in the middle. So, Emily and I have been moving the ewes out of the barn so that we can put their feed out in peace. She is very happy to help!

Speaking of pregnant ewes, our due date is just 10 days away! Katy will be our first to lamb this year (I know because Katy was very cooperative when we set up the breeding groups) and she is bred to Banning our mioget HST ram we purchased last summer from the Ludlams in MI.

Updates will be posted here when lambing begins!!


My Photo
Location: Prior Lake, Minnesota, United States

I am a Shetland addict. I am a wool addict. I am a yarn addict. I love to spin, knit and raise sheep. I am owned by Emily and Rabb, my Border Collies who love to help me with the sheep. When I'm not knitting, spinning or taking care of my sheep, I work from home designing websites and as a XanGo Independent Distributor.

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