This is what the cross looks like when mature.
This is one of the stinkers who got bred through the fenceline, probably by a Shetland ram.
Labels: 09 Crossbred Lambs
Shetland Sheep, Emily, Tru & Rabb our Border Collies,
and all my various knitting projects.
Labels: 09 Crossbred Lambs
I am a Shetland addict. I am a wool addict. I am a yarn addict. I love to spin, knit and raise sheep. I am owned by Emily and Rabb, my Border Collies who love to help me with the sheep. When I'm not knitting, spinning or taking care of my sheep, I work from home designing websites and as a XanGo Independent Distributor.
© 2006 Kimberwood Farm | Blogger Templates by GeckoandFly.
No part of the content or the blog may be reproduced without prior written permission.
Congratulations Kim! I can't believe you got some of Granite's lambs just hours after the last of his lambs were delivered here. He was having a great week back around Thanksgiving!
I wonder of your Cheviot ewe is extension dominant black. I can't see any teardrops in her crossbred ewe lamb. I don't see them on the yearling either. Granite is Aeb/A?, so I'm interested to see what colors he throws with all your colored ewes. BFL breeders are on the lookout for solid blacks vs. the English Blue pattern. So far all my natural colored lambs are English Blue pattern. Apparently BFLs can have ED too, but we know that Granite doesn't have that. Thanks for sharing the photos!
Congrats Kim! The pics look like they have nice fleece. Our first lambs were due the same day so mine should be soon. I am watching two ewes this morning.
Nice lambs! I am glad to see that you are blogging again!