Meet Rabb! Rabb is our soon to be new Border Collie from England. He is now 4 weeks old and growing fast. I was looking for a Scottish name for him and Rabbie happened to be a character in the books I've been reading lately. Rabb's sire's name is Bob and Rabb is a nickname for Robert. Rabb's brother, River will also be coming to live here in Wyoming.
Emily has been put to work here (finally!). With 32 very pregnant ewes to feed each day it gets a little precarious when filling the feeders. Our ewes LOVE their grain and don't care if I get caught in the middle. So, Emily and I have been moving the ewes out of the barn so that we can put their feed out in peace. She is very happy to help!
Speaking of pregnant ewes, our due date is just 10 days away! Katy will be our first to lamb this year (I know because Katy was very cooperative when we set up the breeding groups) and she is bred to Banning our mioget HST ram we purchased last summer from the Ludlams in MI.
Updates will be posted here when lambing begins!!
Labels: Rabb
He's adorable!
-Are you selling at Shepherd's Harvest this year?
Thanks Debra! I'm very anxious for him to arrive!
No, I won't be displaying sheep at Shepherd's Harvest this year. My lambing is interfering with it. There is a new rule that won't allow ewes who are 30 days either side of lambing to be near other sheep. It has to do with the Scrapies program.
I will however be attending! Hope to see you there!
Cutest little puppy nose, ever!
Hi Kim - Greetings from the Pacific NW, where it is almost 60 degrees and sunny out (not to last - it's supposed to rain again tonight.
What a sweet puppy! I wanted to mention that your ad in the NASSA newsletter was very nice! We only had two ewes bred this year - one lambed on the 1st and we should have lambs in the jug by the time we get home today. Hope your lambing goes well. Tina @ Marietta Shetlands