Kimberwood Farm

Shetland Sheep, Emily, Tru & Rabb our Border Collies,
        and all my various knitting projects.

The Boys Are Catching Up

Yesterday, Kit Kat gave birth to a big single black ewe lamb sired by Dougal. We are now at 30 lambs, 13 ram lambs and 17 ewe lambs.

A few statistics to date:
Out of 24 ewes exposed to rams, 22 have lambed with 1 left to go. (One looks like she is open)

We currently have 30 lambs on the ground.

15 total, 8 ram lambs and 7 ewe lambs.

Polled (genetics): 2 ram lambs (1 moorit and 1 musket) and 1 ewe lamb(black). All sired by Lil'Country Light Foot.

Horned (genetics): 6 ram lambs (2 moorit spotted, 2 moorit and 2 black) and 6 ewe lambs (2 moorit, 1 black, 1 black HST, 1 fawn katmoget spotted and 1 moorit & white yuglet) All of these are sired by Gentry.

15 total, 5 ram lambs and 10 ewe lambs

NCC X BFL: 1 ewe lamb (black) and 1 ram lamb (white)

NCC Mule X BFL: (for 3/4 BFL lambs): 4 ewe lambs all white

Shetland X BFL: 5 ewe lambs (3 black, 2 white) and 4 ram lambs (3 black and 1 white)

Only 1 remaining ewe yet to lamb: Bred to a Shetland.

The only ewe not covered by our clean up ram Harrison looks to be open.

There will be a 2 week break until Snickers (fawn katmoget sired by polled ram) lambs. She is bred to Kimberwood Harrison (black gulmoget half polled ram).

Bliss Did it Again!

Born today, April 25th to Windswept Bliss and sired by Kimberwood Gentry:

Kimberwood Maxx
Dark Moorit and White Ram Lamb

Does this mean he is a flecket?


More Crossbreds

Born today 4/18/08 to NCC Mule Y-245 and sired by Dougal:

White Crossbred Ewe Lamb (3/4 BFL)

White Crossbred Ewe Lamb w/black spot and black hind hooves.

The dam to these ewe lambs is a NCC Mule and her fleece is more like a BFL. She is a first time mom at age 2 and rivals the Shetlands in her mothering instincts. I was very impressed. The other NCC Mule we have has fleece more similar to a NCC and has not yet lambed. A BFL ram was used on these ewes the first time because we do not yet have a Terminal Sire. We are planning on purchasing a crossbred British Suffolk this year to use on them in the fall. We brought these ewes and two black NCC ewes into the flock to use in a 3-tier breeding program for market lambs and also to use in training our Border Collies to herd. We will begin their training this summer as soon as we get our round pen up.


Molly's Crossbred Lambs

Born 4/16/08 to Molly and Dougal (BFL):

White Crossbred Ram Lamb (one of our bottle babies)

Black Shetland Mule Ewe Lamb


Spots at Kimberwood!

Born April 17th to Sheltrgpines Siomha and Kimberwood Gentry:

Kimberwood Siobhan
(pronounced sho-vahn)
Katmoget Yuglet/Flecket Ewe Lamb!

I'm having a hard time with determining if she is fawn or grey. She has areas on her belly that are darker than on her body but it looks dark brown to me not black. When looking at her next to her mom they look very similar but Siomha's eye spots and ears look darker (more black). Anyone want to enlighten me?

Here is why I think Siobhan is katmoget: See how dark the color is here on the belly?

And here on each side of her tail.
The consensus is that she is a fawn katmoget.


Guess Who Has No Fear of the Pit Bull!

Halle and Kaiser

Kaiser is our son's dog and has become my "Grand dog" according to my son. Halle shows no fear at all of him but I still watch him closely when he is near her. I really don't think he would do anything to her but I won't take any chances he might. Here he is licking her. I sure hope it warms up soon, she needs to go back to the flock. I'm getting really tired of her dirty diapers! You all know how much Shetlands like to wag their tails! Imagine how happy she is to get out of her dirty diaper!

Isabelle's Twins

Born April 13th to Kimberwood Isabelle (F1 Brent) and Kimberwood Gentry (HST)
Kimberwood Mikaela
Black Krunet Ewe Lamb

Kimberwood Giselle
Moorit Ewe Lamb

These little girls are F2 Brent and carry spots.


Hi, My Name is Halle

I was born last night in the storm. My shepherd kept all of the moms inside the barn and it was a bit crowded. When my mom Lili had me there was a lot of confusion and we became separated. My mom had never had a baby before so she didn't know what to do. My shepherd tried to get my mom to take me back but she was just too upset. Now I get to live in the big house with the satellite TV! Bob the big guy of the house says I shouldn't get too used to it because as soon as it warms up I have to go back to my flock. My shepherd says I'll be okay and that she will take good care of me. She says its important for me to be with other lambs like me to play with them. Did you know there are "Lamb Races"!


Our First Shetland Mules!

Twins Born April 8th to Kimberwood Katy and Beechtree Dougal:

White Shetland Mule ewe lamb

Black Shetland Mule ram lamb


Our First Crossbred Lamb

Born April 7th to Y-263 (NCC ewe) and Dougal (BFL):
Un-named black NCC Mule ewe lamb

Why do these ewes pick the muddiest places to lamb? This NCC ewe is not a purebred, she is 31/32 NCC.


Kimberwood Caprio

Born April 6th to Kimberwood Thistle and Lil'Country Light Foot:

Kimberwood Caprio
Musket polled ram lamb

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2008 Lambing Begins!

Born April 3rd to Kimberwood Lydia and Lil'Country Light Foot:
Kimberwood Leonardo
Moorit polled ram lamb

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My Photo
Location: Prior Lake, Minnesota, United States

I am a Shetland addict. I am a wool addict. I am a yarn addict. I love to spin, knit and raise sheep. I am owned by Emily and Rabb, my Border Collies who love to help me with the sheep. When I'm not knitting, spinning or taking care of my sheep, I work from home designing websites and as a XanGo Independent Distributor.

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