Born today, April 25th to Windswept Bliss and sired by Kimberwood Gentry:

Does this mean he is a flecket?
Labels: 08 Lambs
Shetland Sheep, Emily, Tru & Rabb our Border Collies,
and all my various knitting projects.
Labels: 08 Lambs
I am a Shetland addict. I am a wool addict. I am a yarn addict. I love to spin, knit and raise sheep. I am owned by Emily and Rabb, my Border Collies who love to help me with the sheep. When I'm not knitting, spinning or taking care of my sheep, I work from home designing websites and as a XanGo Independent Distributor.
© 2006 Kimberwood Farm | Blogger Templates by GeckoandFly.
No part of the content or the blog may be reproduced without prior written permission.
OMG Kim, what a little doll he is! Pink nose and all. Nice markings!
Congratulations to you and Bliss and Gentry.
Most excellent job, Bliss & Gentry!!
He is gorgeous! Hmmmmmm..I might need a spotty ram :).
He is a beauty! Love his name!