Born April 17th to Sheltrgpines Siomha and Kimberwood Gentry:

I'm having a hard time with determining if she is fawn or grey. She has areas on her belly that are darker than on her body but it looks dark brown to me not black. When looking at her next to her mom they look very similar but Siomha's eye spots and ears look darker (more black). Anyone want to enlighten me?

Kimberwood Siobhan
(pronounced sho-vahn)
Katmoget Yuglet/Flecket Ewe Lamb!
(pronounced sho-vahn)
Katmoget Yuglet/Flecket Ewe Lamb!
I'm having a hard time with determining if she is fawn or grey. She has areas on her belly that are darker than on her body but it looks dark brown to me not black. When looking at her next to her mom they look very similar but Siomha's eye spots and ears look darker (more black). Anyone want to enlighten me?
Labels: 08 Lambs
Congratulations Kim! What a beauty!! She definitely looks Fawn to me. The give away is the pink skin around the eyes. If the eye patches were black, that skin would be black...
She looks like she has really lustrous fleece! I don't see any indication of Katmoget ~ what makes you think she's a kat?