Well, it's real. I'm going to have surgery. It all began about 8 weeks ago when I stepped out of my truck at a Target store onto something that resembled a banana. My right foot slipped out from under me and I caught my self from falling with my left leg. Didn't seem so bad when it happened. I went on to take care of my shopping. It was a bit tender so I let it rest for about 10 days or so before I went for a walk around Clearly Lake. It's a 3.3 mile path I've done many many times. I kept the pace easy, I didn't want to stress my knee. Afterwards I paid for that walk for about a week or 10 days with throbbing pain not only in my left knee but in my hips as well as my other knee. It did finally subside and it seemed I was on the mend again.
A couple weeks later while standing in the entry of our house with dogs all around me, I turned to go back into the kitchen when I felt a "popping" sensation in my knee along with some pretty incredible pain. I knew it was time to find out what exactly was wrong with my knee. I hobbled into the doctor's office the next day. X-rays were taken and I was scheduled for an MRI. It took 4 or 5 days to get the results, I had torn my meniscus. The meniscus is kind of important. It is the padding between the bones that keep them from grinding together.
This morning I had an appointment with an Orthopedic Surgeon who gave me my options. I could do nothing and have some good days but also have some bad days. It would not heal on its own. Or, I could have it surgically repaired and I could be back in action in just a couple of weeks. I've chosen surgery.
I'm scheduled for July 13th. It's a really good thing I'm not a superstitious person. It's a Friday.
Oh, one more thing the x-rays and the MRI revealed; I also have arthritis in my knee and I suspect in some of the other very necessary joints of my body. I didn't like hearing that 10-15 years down the road, total knee replacement is a possibility. He could have left the numbers out of it!
Penny, want to loan me that walker when you're done with it?
I think I will FALL next time!
I bet you thought I'd disappeared again! It's all about Rabb these days. I wake up in the morning, he goes outside. I make him his breakfast, I go get him from his exercise pen. He plays with Emily for awhile, I take him back out to his pen. Fortunately he does his business out there very quickly so he can come in and play some more.
He is finally standing still long enough (barely) for some pics. We absolutely LOVE this little guy. He is such a character, he makes us laugh all the time. Yes, even when we have to clean out his crate, we think he's cute!
We haven't forgotten Emily in all this! Emily is unforgettable. She is what started us down this road. This weekend Emily and I are taking a trip. We are heading to Richland Center WI to visit Littledale Farm to pick out some sheep just for her (after this we are off to Indiana to visit some Shetland Farms). We will use these sheep to get her trained so that she can help us manage our flock of Shetlands. Next year it will be Rabb's turn.

Labels: Rabb

It's about the only way to photograph the little bugger! Rabb arrived on Wednesday night and is settling in after his very long journey. He and Emily have become quite good friends. She hasn't even growled at him yet! You'll notice he is being thoroughly spoiled. He and I were watching a movie together on the couch tonight. Well at least one of us was watching the movie...
Rabb is already showing interest in the sheep, he likes to herd barn cats and he has been giving our house cat a run for her money too. He has also decided one of the stones in the foundation of our grainery is evil and we need to be protected from it. It's good to have him home!
Labels: Rabb