It's about the only way to photograph the little bugger! Rabb arrived on Wednesday night and is settling in after his very long journey. He and Emily have become quite good friends. She hasn't even growled at him yet! You'll notice he is being thoroughly spoiled. He and I were watching a movie together on the couch tonight. Well at least one of us was watching the movie...
Rabb is already showing interest in the sheep, he likes to herd barn cats and he has been giving our house cat a run for her money too. He has also decided one of the stones in the foundation of our grainery is evil and we need to be protected from it. It's good to have him home!
Labels: Rabb
He's wonderful Kim and I'm so impressed by how willingly Emily has accepted him.
Thank you for a great afternoon yesterday. A visit with you is better than a dose of anti-depressants!
I hope you like the pictures I took of your sheep....
He's so cute! Are you planning to breed your border collies?
Hi Deborah,
We would like to but it will depend on how well they do with their training.
OK....he's been sleeping for DAYS! Could we maybe see some SHEEP now?????
Well, you know he is a PUPPY and they do SLEEP a lot!
OK...it's time to WAKE THE DAMN DOG UP and show us some SHEEP! Or knitting, or something! Even NEW dog pictures would be nice....
(can you tell I have the day off?)