Kimberwood Farm

Shetland Sheep, Emily, Tru & Rabb our Border Collies,
        and all my various knitting projects.

Rest in Peace Serena

Bramble Serena 1995-2007
Serena had to be put down today. Our vet thought she may have suffered a minor stroke. I found her yesterday unable to keep her balance. We treated her for milk fever and ruled out mastitis. She didn't improve overnight in fact she got worse and couldn't get up. Dr. Dee Heezen came and put her down for us. We will miss her.

Her ewe lamb Samantha started taking a bottle last night and will be fine. I'm sure she will miss her for awhile at least.

SheltrgPines Tullia

And last but not least we wrapped up Mother's Day with this little dude!

A black gulmoget ram lamb out of Tullia and sired by SheltrgPines Charlemagne!

Kimberwood Harrison (NFS)


Kimberwood Rose Mairi

Next on Mother's Day we found this when we got home from visiting Bob's mother.

A white ram lamb out of Rose Mairi (F1 Brent) and sired by Kimberwood Leopold (F1 Skeld). This little guy is 68.75% UK!

Kimberwood Banan
(pronounced bon-on and it means "the white one")


Bramble Maisie

Mother's Day was eventful for us this year. Starting with these two ewe lambs out of Maisie and sired by Sheltrgpines Charlemagne (F1 Roban Dillon).

Kimberwood Dot
Kimberwood Mystri (NFS)


Bramble Serena

Kimberwood Samantha
Serena surprised us yesterday with this little black ewe lamb. We had thought Serena due to lamb on April 22nd and had resigned ourselves to her being open this year. This ewe lamb is sired by North Wind James.


We Interrupt Lambing to Bring You This Important Update!

Rabb is tentatively scheduled to fly here from England on June 12th!
Now arriving on May 30th!!!
(weather permitting)
And, we have new pics of him!


Kimberwood Isabelle

Isabelle lambed this morning and gave us this little black ewe lamb. Isabelle is my F1 Brent daughter and she was bred to Leopold who is my F1 Skeld son. This little girl is 68.75% UK including Brent, Skeld, Lightning, Greyling and Holly.

Kimberwood Iris (NFS)


SheltrgPines Philothea

Check out the fleece on these boys! We seem to have a bit of a theme going this year with twins coming in one moorit and one black. These boys are sired by Kimberwood Leopold who is one of our white F1 (75% UK) Skeld sons.

Kimberwood Tobias

Kimberwood Samuel


Justalit'l Kit Kat

At bed check last night I found Kit Kat at the back of the pasture with this adorable katmoget ewe lamb sired by Lil'Country Rugger.

Kimberwood Snickers


Locksfield Sharlette

Sharlette lambed over night on May 4th presenting us with twin ram lambs, one moorit and one black. They are sired by North Wind James.

Kimberwood Rudy and Kimberwood Ruben


Kimberwood Lydia

This morning Lydia delivered this beautiful black ewe lamb sired by Sheltrgpines Charlemagne (F1 Roban Dillon son)
Kimberwood Poppy


Bramble Annabelle

Annabelle is my favorite white ewe.
She gave us white twins, a ram and a ewe sired by North Wind James.

Kimberwood Ice
Kimberwood Pearl


Locksfield Brigid

Brigid delivered a moorit set of twins, a ewe and a ram(w/white) sired by North Wind James.
Kimberwood Abbie and Kimberwood Luca


BluffCountry Easter Lily

Kimberwood Mason
Moorit ram lamb out of BluffCountry Easter Lily and sired by Windswept Banning.


My Photo
Location: Prior Lake, Minnesota, United States

I am a Shetland addict. I am a wool addict. I am a yarn addict. I love to spin, knit and raise sheep. I am owned by Emily and Rabb, my Border Collies who love to help me with the sheep. When I'm not knitting, spinning or taking care of my sheep, I work from home designing websites and as a XanGo Independent Distributor.

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