Look what I found tonight!
BluffCountry Easter Lily showed no signs at all today of lambing. We came home with a load of hay and started unloading it when I heard what I've been waiting for all spring, the adorable little baa of a newborn lamb. Lily is a first time mom and is a complete pro at it already. She has given us a perfect dark moorit ram lamb sired by BluffCountry Paladin. This little guy carries lots of spotting genetics. Mom's sire is an HST as well as his Dad.
Yea Kim! I can't wait to see all your new babies!
Nikki from TCKnitters
Hooray! Are most lambings so simple? From all of the movies/books I've read I've been led to believe that every birth on the farm is a fight between life and death. ;)
You've got beautiful animals. I can't wait to see them at Shepherd's Harvest!
The Shetlands lamb pretty much on their own. They are great moms and handle delivery very well. I still like to be there just in case though!