I found this in the many bags of wool I haven't had time to go through. When I bought my loom, I also received with it about 300# of miscellaneous wool. There is a lot in there that I can't use but this I can. There are 9 100gram 100% wool hanks of Reynolds Tipperary Tweed in a medium blue/grey with bits of different shades of blue, gold and burnt orange in it. Of course it's not as soft as my Shetland wool but I think there is enough to make a nice sweater. There will be lots more to come....

I found this in the many bags of wool I haven't had time to go through. When I bought my loom, I also received with it about 300# of miscellaneous wool. There is a lot in there that I can't use but this I can. There are 9 100gram 100% wool hanks of Reynolds Tipperary Tweed in a medium blue/grey with bits of different shades of blue, gold and burnt orange in it. Of course it's not as soft as my Shetland wool but I think there is enough to make a nice sweater. There will be lots more to come....
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