Today is our due date! This actually means today is the first possible day our lambing could begin. The rams were introduced into the breeding groups 146 days ago. If any of the ewes happen to be at the right moment in their cycle and were bred on the day the rams went into the breeding groups they could lamb today. Of course if the ewes weren’t ready we could be in for a bit of a wait.
Today’s ewe is Thistle Keep Red Deer. She is a 2 year old “musket” ewe and is lambing for the first time this spring. Musket is the name of her color. She started out as a moorit lamb and lightened up. Just like a grey lamb starts out black and lightens up. She is bred to Kimberwood Gavrael who is our white “scurred” ram. The term “scur” refers to the type of horns he has (or doesn’t have actually). Red Deer will probably have a single lamb and most likely it will be either white or musket.
Today is our due date! This actually means today is the first possible day our lambing could begin. The rams were introduced into the breeding groups 146 days ago. If any of the ewes happen to be at the right moment in their cycle and were bred on the day the rams went into the breeding groups they could lamb today. Of course if the ewes weren’t ready we could be in for a bit of a wait.

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