Livestock Guardian Dogs (LGDs)
3 Comments Published by Kim Nikolai on November 18, 2006 at 11:55 AM.

Labels: LGDs
Shetland Sheep, Emily, Tru & Rabb our Border Collies,
and all my various knitting projects.
Labels: LGDs
I am a Shetland addict. I am a wool addict. I am a yarn addict. I love to spin, knit and raise sheep. I am owned by Emily and Rabb, my Border Collies who love to help me with the sheep. When I'm not knitting, spinning or taking care of my sheep, I work from home designing websites and as a XanGo Independent Distributor.
© 2006 Kimberwood Farm | Blogger Templates by GeckoandFly.
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Is it a pyreneean mountain dog?
We used to have this breed for about 20 years.
Henry is a Great Pyranees and Sweetie is a mix of Spanish Ranch Mastiff/Polish Tatra/Italian Marema
I hope this works for you! Wouldn't it be wonderful if the dogs could actually live in harmony with your sheep? What a relief it would be for you to know that your flock is safe and that your dogs are living up to their potential! I'm proud of you for hanging in there...