Is my darling BC I brought home last summer. I fell in love with her when we went to Ontario last summer for the NASSA AGM. We spent one night at her breeder's house. She is now 7 months old and a wonderful girl. When she gets a little older she will go into training (and so will I!) to become my herding dog. She loves to go outside to feed the sheep with me. Her best friend is Ramsay who is one of my ram lambs from last spring. When its feeding time he follows her down the fence line so they can sniff each other through the gate. She also enjoys playing with the Labrador Retriever puppies we have right now. Boy are they work! It was not a planned litter (our neighbor's dog is their father). They are adorable but I'll be glad when they go to their new homes.
Isn't she just the cutest thing? Kinda makes me wish we were all that photogenic.